Taylor 710 Dualmaster Hopper Style Freezer

Dualmaster hooper style freezer dispenses smooth and creamy soft serve products
conveniently from a space saving counter design. Large Volume, single cylinder design
allows you to serve your favourite flavour upon demand. Our Sensitive and accurate
temperature monitoring system is used to allow the operator to serve product at just the
right consistency. Utilizing a small amount of space, the Model 710 offers an endless
variety of frozen delights with proven high profit returns.
Freezing Cylinder - One; 4 quart (3.8 litre) volume for
fast and steady production.
Mix Hopper - One; 20 quart (18.9 litre) capacity.
Refrigeration and insulated. Mix flows directly into freezing cylinder through simple mix
feed tube.
Mix Low Light - Indicates low level of mix in hooper.
Warning light flashes to tell the operator to add mix.
Automatic Temperature Controls - Precise monitoring of
the production the freezing cylinder is achieved through the reliable temperature
control for high quality soft serve or shakes.
Freezer Door- Specially designed thermo-plastic door
allows quick ejection of product with simple movement of draw handle. Sturdy and
eliminates condensation.
Beater and Blades - The Beater combines unique design
with solid construction. Handcrafted and polished to precision, our self-sharpening blades
are machined to the exact angle necessary for thorough blending, efficient scraping and
smooth, rapid ejection.
Accessories- Brush cleaning Kit;
Bucket(s); Cleaner/Sanitzer; Taylor Lube; Tune-Up Kit.
Options- Faucet; Panel Spider;