Sno-Kone / Shave Ice Accessories

#1397 SyrupMak'r Kit includes one each
of in the image left. Shipping weight - 2 lbs.
1 Plastic 4 oz. Measuring Cup
1 Stainless Steel Funnel
1 1, 1/4 lb. Sugar Measure for 1 quart Syrup
The Easy Way To Make Your Own Syrups From Gold Medal Concentrates!

The red plastic spoon straws are rapidly becoming the favorite
for both Sno-Kones and slush. They are about 8" long with one end die cut and
flattened into a spoon-like shape. The Sno-Sippers are 7, 3/4" white plastic straws
that allow you to break up snow and sip the Sno-Kone or slush drink. Shipping weight about
1, 1/2 lbs. per thousand.
#1082M Bulk Sno-Sippers, per thousand
#1082 Bulk Sno-Sippers, per case of
#1120M Spoon Straws, per thousand
#1120 Spoon Straws, per case of 10,000

Cup Dispensers - we have dispensers for both the cone shaped
cups as well as flat bottom paper and plastic cups. For cone shape cups, you must order
the dispenser for exact size cups. The units for flat bottom are adjustable. Wall
For Cone Shaped Cups:
#1206 Dispenser for 6 oz. cup
#1208 Dispenser for 8 oz. cup
For Flat Bottom Cups:
#1106 Dispenser for 6 oz. to 12 oz. cup
#1107 Dispenser for 12 to 24 oz. paper cup

You can make your own 12-lb. blocks of ice in the freezer with the B-12 Ice Mold.
Place a plastic bag inside the mold, fill with water and freeze. Heavy duty bags can be
#5191 Model B-12 Ice Molds, each (9W x 4, 1/2D x 11"H)
#5795 Heavy Duty Mold Bags, per hundred (18 x 18")

#1060 Six ounce Sno-Kone Cups are made especially for us from
extra thick paper, extra heavy "dry wax" so that a Sno-Kone can be enjoyed
completely before the cup "wimps out!" Gold Medal genuine Sno-Kone cup costs a
little more than the "26 lb. per case" water cup - those thin water cups are
absolutely not acceptable. Always serve your Sno-Kones in cups strong enough to last
while the entire serving is being enjoyed. Point of purchase posters available for
those who use Gold Medal flavors and Sno-Kone cups.
#1060 Sno-Kone Cups, 5,000 per case
#1060M Sno-Kone Cups, Junior Carton 1,000 cups
#1062 6 oz. Flat Bottom Sundae Dish - heavily waxed, a Sno-Kone container that is
gaining rapidly in popularity. It may be the right one for you, 1,000 per case
#1999 Cone Shaped Sno-Kone cup poster, 22 x 12"W
#1076 Aluminum 8 hole Counter Top Tray for Sno-Kones. A handy accessory to have

Sno-Kone Dippers two sizes, the
regular for 5 and 6 oz. cups, or the large size for 8 or 10 oz. Cast alumi-num, highly
polished or plastic. Please specify which when ordering.
#1066 Regular Size Sno-Kone Dipper
#1068 Large Size Sno-Kone Dipper
#1088 Plastic Sno-Kone Dipper

#1061 Flat Wood Spoons, not wrapped, cs. of 10,000
#1061M Flat Wood Spoons, not wrapped, 1,000
#1065 Plastic Spoons, for those who want the best spoon for Sno-KonesŪ , 1,000

"3 Way" Vending Tray is packed with strap, handle and
aluminum drip/drain tray. Some assembly required. You put on the handle or strap -
whichever your hawkers prefer.
#1072 Universal Vend Tray -Shipping weight - 5 lbs.
#1076 8 Cup Counter

The least expensive measuring dispenser you can buy. Fits
standard gallon jugs, glass or plastic. One stroke of pump delivers one ounce. Made
entirely of plastic with stainless check valve. Order several of them today
specify one ounce pumps.
#1071 1 oz. Plastic Syrup Pumps
#1071DZ 1 oz. Plastic Syrup Pumps, 1 dozen

While we show the Syrvelle Dispenser in the Dispenseracks, you
can buy them alone if you wish. Made from white molded plastic with No Drip Faucet for
fast operation. You can invert a jug of syrup in top opening, or use the lid provided. The
Aluminum Dispenserack holds 3 Syrvelles securely, and includes removable drip tray.
Measures 21, 1/2W x 14D x 10"H. Where space is at a premium, you can stack 3
Syrvelles with the Vertical Dispenserack and use only 9, 1/2" counter space. The
Vertical Dispenserack is alu-minum, with woodgrain vinyl covering
#1028 Syrvelle Syrup Dispenser, with lid
and faucet, wt. 3 lbs.
#1070 Faucet only snow and sip the Sno-Kone or slush drink. Shipping weight about
1, 1/2 lbs. per thousand.
#1073 Aluminum Dispenserack illustrated with
three Syrvelles. No dispensers included in the #1073 price. Shipping weight - 10 lbs.

Vertical Dispenserack is illustrated with dispensers
priced without. Made of welded aluminum, powder coated with epoxy white finish. 8"W x
9"D. Hold up to three Syrvelles. Shipping weight - 7 lbs.