ame as the Whiz Bang, except, a forced hot air corn freshener system is standard on the deluxe. Model Numbers : 2003 /2005
Over 250 ounces per hour and a 20 x 20” “footprint” turns this compact 12 into a gold mine. Welded bronze anodized frame. Woodgrain vinyl coated steel top. Etched glass windows – a true decor piece. Model Number: 2212
The famous Whiz Bang cast aluminum kettle found in all four of these. Only the #2003ST has the steel kettle. This is a flashy compact machine – the flash that gets the cash! Model Number: 2214
Salemaker Whiz Bang with Lighted Stainless Steel Dome
Model Number: 2003ST
Shown at right is the “Ultimate” version of the 20 x 20” – 12 oz. machine. Illuminated “Popcorn” sign in the stainless steel dome helps create more visual impact! #2936ST Steerable Wagon completes the picture. The #2936ST stainless steel steerable wagon is also an attractive unit for a #2214 Red Top 12. Some assembly required on all carts and wagons.The “Ultimate 12 oz.” uses the Deluxe Steel Kettle shown in the #2003ST right. This is a 20 x 20” somewhat compact version of our “top of the line” 12 oz. machine.
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