8 ounce Economy Poppers

wpe15.jpg (5962 bytes)SUPER 88 with Lighted Sign P/C MACH W/LS

A lot of popper for the money. Stamped stainless steel twin arm kettle suspension, 8 ounce kettle, fluorescent back lit "Popcorn" sign helps sell more popcorn.

Model Number: 2489





wpe16.jpg (8235 bytes)BRONCO GOLD FRAME/RED TOP

An economy Gay 90’s Bronco Pop 8 ounce popper. Brass like finish over welded aluminum cabinet components, semi-antique dome, twin cast aluminum kettle suspension, etched tempered window glass. Larger cabinet is easier to work from.


Model Number: 2152GT



wpe17.jpg (6480 bytes)SUPER 88 P/C MACHINE

A compact 8 ounce "little brother" to the 2489. 18 x 16" footprint. 4" extra height gives more working room than any six ounce machine.

Model Number: 2488




wpe18.jpg (8807 bytes)SPECIAL 88 P/C MACHINE

A lot of popping capacity for a very small price, the "Special 88" features a spun aluminum kettle, stainless steel kettle shell, stamped stainless steel twin hanger arm, sturdy red-finished steel dome to replace the counter space it uses.

Model Number: 2388




The Economy 8 Ounce Kettle Poppers


18W x 16D x 35" H

2659CR 1800 1800 2489EX

20W x 20D x 40" H

2148CR or 2015 1750 1750 2152GTX

18W x 16D x 35"H

2659DR 1700 1700 2488 EX

18W x 16D x 31"H

2659CR plus 49677 Counter Top 1345 1345 2388EX


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2910 NW. Commerce Park Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida , USA

Tel: +1- 561- 533- 0001      Fax: +1- 561- 586-1112

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