Electro Freeze Shake 77 CAB

The Electro Freeze pressurised system for consistency in product quality and increased profits

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Model 77 CAB - designed for high volume shake sales. Conveniently mounted syrup dispensing head mixer blends the flavour into the shake product as it is dispensed from the spigot. The fast , easy way to serve flavours regardless of the viscosity of the flavouring syrup or fruit pulp it contains
If you prefer to limit your dispensing to a single flavou, order the freezer less flavour dispensers and with a plunger head in place of the spindle dispensing he




bulletRefrigerated Mix Cabinet in the lower portion of the freezer with special shake mix pump mounted inside. Eliminate constant filling of mix reservoir, Just place the mis container into the cabinet or fill the container provided for that purpise, insert the mix tube from the pump and you are ready to make product.
Automatically a thick, superior quality shake with a higher and consistent overrun that equals increased profits.
bulletMix Level Indicator - Flashing light automatically tells operator when mix is needed.
bulletCleaning and Sanitizing  time and procedures reduced to a minimum with the 24 hour refrigeration.
bulletCycolac Dispensing Head - finest insulating material, no frost, no drip. Easy Pull down handle, with adjustable dispensing speed.
bulletOverrun - controlled, consistent, high overrun. The patented "Duke" single piston shake mix pumps can be adjusted to the desired overrun. The simplest pressurizing device in the industry, has fewer parts to be cleaned !
bulletBeater Blades - Plastic, durable and long wearing, eliminates heat producing metal-to-metal contact.
bulletDO NOT choose a shake machine until you check out this CAB model, you'll never be satisfied with any other shake machine.

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2910 NW. Commerce Park Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida , USA

Tel: +1- 561- 533- 0001      Fax: +1- 561- 586-1112

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